The MoodFOOD project involves a multidisciplinary consortium involving 13 organizations in 9 European countries, using a unique integrative approach which combines expertise in nutrition, consumer behaviour, psychiatry and preventive psychology.
On January 1 2014, the MoodFOOD project commenced, led by Marjolein Visser and Ingeborg Brouwer of the Department of Health Sciences from the VU University. It was granted nearly €9 million to investigate how food intake, nutrient status, food‐related behaviour and obesity are linked to the development of depression over 5 years. This has allowed researchers to combine existing high quality data from longitudinal prospective European cohort studies with new data from surveys, short-term experiments and a long-term preventative trial. Final MooDFOOD results and findings are due out late 2018!
See more details in the MooDFOOD project leaflet: Click Here